Recipe Ingredients
- Ham
- Cheese (hard)
- Bread for toasts
- Shrimp
- Olives
- Greens (parsley, fennel, etc.)
- Corn
- Champignons
- Cornichons
- Onion
- Tomatoes
- Cucumbers
- Bulgarian pepper
Thread corn, piece of Bulgarian pepper, cube of ham, slice of fresh cucumber on the skewer.
Cut the ham and cheese into small slices. Cut the same size designs from ham, cheese and Bulgarian pepper using forms or knife. Thread them on a skewer.
Thread shrimp on skewer by punching the tail. Then thread a piece of Bulgarian pepper, olive slice, cheese cube, then thread shrimp and ham cube from another end.
Olive slice, piece of Bulgarian pepper, cucumber slice, cheese cube.
Corn, cucumber slice, piece of tomato, cheese cube.
Put an olive slice on the shrimp tail. Thread the shrimp on a skewer and then thread a piece of ham.
Bulgarian pepper, olive slice, cheese, cucumber, ham.
Thread the shrimp tail, cornichon, ham, and, from another end, - end of shrimp, olive slice, cheese cube.
The whole olive, Bulgarian pepper, onion, cucumber slice, champignon.
Cornichon, onion, Bulgarian pepper, ham cube.
Champignon, ham, onion, cucumber, cheese.
Olive slice, Bulgarian pepper, ham cube, bread cube.
Bon appétit!